Sunday 4 May 2008

2. Day trip to Albi

While based in Gaillac I did a day trip to Albi. I'd read previously somewhere that it is one of the towns in France that is most successful for new businesses starting up. It is bigger than Gaillac and had a feel to it that it was a thriving rather than a stagnating town.

Throughout my trips around France the energies have just not felt right to start a business. France is beautiful, the people are friendly, I do love a lot of things about France but my doubts get in the way about the ability to make enough money to live on over there. It's more to do with feeling into the energies than anything my mind tells me, and I trust my feelings, they guide me. Having said that Albi seemed like a town that it could be possible to start a business and stay in business, I still couldn't imagine myself living there permanently.

What is it with me and France? It's beautiful but something doesn't feel right - perhaps I just haven't found the right location for me yet. Some places are so small and sleepy that I know I would get bored after a few weeks. Some places are so large and anonymous like Toulouse that I may as well stay where I am than move to another large and anoymous city. Paris is too expensive and the rooms are tiny (well, for my budget at least) plus gardens are a rarity, even small ones. With villages you may be lucky to get a grocers, let alone a bank, restaurant or a post office.
I wander around France hoping that one day I'll bump into 'the place' that I want to settle in and put down roots. So when I say I like a place, it is usually just as a place to visit (so far).

There was an outdoor food market going on the day I arrived. The large cathedral dominates the town square, around which are shops and cafes. Apart from a walk I did along the river, I assumed that the whole of Albi was this market square with it's side roads of shops. It wasn't until I walked back to the station and got lost, that I found a huge high street full of shops, when I hadn't time to go have a proper look if I was to catch my train. I'd gone in and out of the same shops around the main square more than once as I had a few hours in Albi after my lunch before the train was due. Could have done with discovering the high street earlier, although most shops close for two hours at lunchtime, which means they become invisible until they open again.

The inside of the cathedral was beautiful, everything was decorated in colour, and the outside was massive. None of my indoor photos came out as I had my camera on the tungsten setting, which turned everything blue.